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Old Sat Jul 26, 2008, 05:23pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Pants On Fire ...

Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
POE #5 from the 2000-01 NFHS rule book said "Acts that must be deemed intentional include when a coach/player says 'Watch, we're going to foul.'." The FED then changed their philosophy in 2005-06 and issued POE #3B which said "Conversely, a coach who yells 'Foul' instructions to his/her team does not mean that the ensuing foul is automatically an intentional foul- even though it is a strategic foul designed to stop the clock."Those are the citations, straight from the rulebook, Billy. Snaqs wouldn't lie to you.
I never suggested that Snaqwells was not telling the truth. I just didn't remember the Point of Emphasis, in force from 2000 to 2005, mandating that we call intentional fouls because the coach is yelling, "Foul". I believed that Snaqwells was a veteran (read old) official who may have remembered something from before I started officiating.

Jurassic Referee: Thanks for the citation.
Snaqwells: I'm sorry if you believed that I was questioning your honesty. I was really questioning my memory.
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