Originally Posted by BillyMac
Snaqwells: Did this happen more than 27 years ago. Before I began officiating, in the early 1980's?
I don't recall such a NFHS ruling in the 27 years that I've been officiating, but this may have happened prior to my officiating, when I was a coach. Could you possibly have a citation from so long ago?
POE #5 from the 2000-01 NFHS rule book said
"Acts that must be deemed intentional include when a coach/player says 'Watch, we're going to foul.'." The FED then changed their philosophy in 2005-06 and issued POE #3B which said
"Conversely, a coach who yells 'Foul' instructions to his/her team does not mean that the ensuing foul is automatically an intentional foul- even though it is a strategic foul designed to stop the clock."
Those are the citations, straight from the rulebook, Billy. Snaqs wouldn't lie to you.