Originally posted by insatty
Jim Porter's argument is very persuasive. Just like in football where we have dead-ball fouls, the deception described here deserves a penalty. No football official advances unless he masters dead-ball officiating. And any baseball official would penalize a player that punches a runner during a dead ball. A player or team that deceives the umpire is cheating, which is ground for ejection. An umpire, therefore, should penalize cheating, whether the ball is live or dead.
Do you penalize in football during a dead ball for offsides?
Do you penalize in football during a dead ball for illegal procedure?
Do you penalize in football during a dead ball for too many men on the field?
I wouldn't compare this situation to a dead ball foul of punching or kicking someone.
Those acts have ramifications with them that damage the opponent.
Other acts have no ramifications to them.
Trying to put out a runner in baseball with a dead ball
just isn't going to happen with any knowledgeable umpire.
There is no possibility of damage to the opponents.
Just my opinion,