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Old Tue Aug 06, 2002, 01:28pm
Tim C Tim C is offline
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The balk cannot be called (deceived or not PU) because the ball was NEVER legally in play.

When the PU finds out that he FU'd by not doing his job and knowing where the ball was it is not a balk it is, in all reality, a "do over".

I do not like rewarding the "dumb" team but I think this is pretty clear (sorry Jim) that the ball was never legally in play.

IF we start an inning and do not notice that the defense does not have a right fielder (he is in the portapotty). We are directed to do a "do over" since all eight defenders and catcher where not in the prescribed postions on the field.

When the umpire declares play (illegally) we are in the exact same position.

No call, no balk, no out!

"Do Over"

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