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Old Tue Aug 06, 2002, 12:48pm
His High Holiness His High Holiness is offline
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Gentleman; Gentleman; Gentleman;

One of the problems with debating plays that never occur in MLB is that you can never get a honest to God authorized opinion.

However, in this case, we have a similar situation from a real MLB game to go on. I don't remember the teams or the umpires, so I trust that someone else will fill in the details:

The side was reitred and the defense went out to take their positions. (It was in Boston, I believe. ) Due to the long wait between innings to accomodate television, the left fielder entered the bullpen to visit with the pitchers. The PU did not see that there were only eight men on the field and neither did the pitcher. The PU called "play" and the batter promply hit the ball off of the left field wall. This woke up the left fielder in the bull pen and he came running out on the field and picked up the ball as the BR pulled in to second with a double.


Since the PU illegally put the ball into play with only eight men on the field, the double was canceled, and we had a do over. All pitches that inning (if any) prior to the hit were canceled as well.

BTW, I don't know whether the offensive manager had to be ejected or not.

This MLB ruling indicates that if the ball is illegally put in play by the umpire, all subsequent action is nullified until the ball is LEGALLY put in play.


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