Originally Posted by RKBUmp
I am actually in AZ, NYS stands for National Youth Sports.
The officiating is all over the place, sometimes we get a great ref, other times we are pretty much playing without one on the floor. I would guess this kid is probably 16-18. At one point in the first half he had called 6 fouls on our team, and not 1 on the other even though we had kids with loose teeth and bloody noses. I finally said something as he ran by about it was some pretty lopsided foul calling, 6-0. He finally started calling some on the other team, but I think by the end of the game is was like 9 on us, 4 on the them. He also never once called a 3 second violation the entire game, even though their big guy had pitched a tent in the key. At one point I was counting outloud, loud enough for him to hear me and got to a count of 25 where the kid had never stepped out of the key.
Two things.
1. Never tell me the foul count is lopsided. We can discuss individual plays and calls, but not a foul count. I don't care about it.
2. Never count out loud to me. You'll get one quick warning, after that we'll be shooting free throws. Of course, I'll call three seconds if the play warrants it and you'll see my hand swinging on all other counts.
edited: I was thinking you coached for some reason. Went back and re-read the OP. I wouldn't have even heard you.