Originally Posted by ronald
Well, there are a number of rulings with which I disagree in principal, but they're there. Let's say I eject R1 for USC as she's coming home (for example, she yells "go f*** yourselves! We win!" to the other team). I have a problem with letting her score - I feel she should be out and ejected. Unfortunately, I'd have nothing backing me up to make this call other than principles (provided they have a sub available). But hey, dem's da breaks.
In 2002 casebook there is a play where a batter hits a high fly thinks it is an out and angrliy throws bat against fence. Ruling is USC and no homerun but an out.
That was six years ago under a different regime, back when "Henry said" was considered valid documentation for any interpretation or ruling.
I submitted a rule change a few years back that would support the "out" for USC, but it was rejected. Presently, there is nothing to support such a ruling. I wait until the end of the play to eject a player, if necessary.