Originally Posted by canump
On catcher's OB the runner advances only if forced with batter being put on 1st. That's where the coach is given the option. result of the play or B1 awarded 1st and runners advanced if force.
this is from memory as my rule book is 15 miles away right now so if I got it wrong can some of you gurus jump in here.
What the catcher did was not "generic" CO. Specifically, the catcher prevented the batter from hitting the ball with a runner on 3rd attempting to steal. This is covered in ASA 8-1-D-4, as stated above, and this rule does not give the coach the option of taking the play.
4. (FP) On a swing or attempted bunt, the catcher or any other fielder prevents the batter from hitting the ball, touch the batter or their bat with a runner on third base trying to score by means of a squeeze play or a steal.
EFFECT: The ball is dead. The runner shall be awarded home plate and the batter shall be awarded first base on the obstruction. All other runners shall be advanced one base, if forced.