Originally Posted by 3afan
once a pitch is illegal, nothing can be done to make it legal
pitcher must step on the plate with hands apart - thats pretty clear...
Actually, in ASA it is not that clear. We come to the conclusion in ASA that she must step on the plate with the hands apart because that is the only way she can complete a legal pitch. But, merely stepping on the plate with the hands together is not, by itself, illegal in ASA. (It is in NFHS - Rule 6-1-a).
In ASA, the pitcher is required to take (or pretend to take) signals with both feet on the plate and the hands separated (6-1-D). Then, in ASA, the pitch starts when the hands come together, and once separated, they cannot come together again and she must immediately deliver the ball (6-3-A, B). Obviously, she cannot do both of those if she steps on the plate with the hands together.
She can, however, step back off the plate before she separates the hands and start over.
IMO, you were premature to call the pitch illegal until she either took signs with the hands together (never separated them prior to the pitch) or double touched. She would have had to do one or the other.