Re: I'll apologize . . .
Originally posted by Gold_Spark
for my "commentary". I just came into this forum and started GIVING my opinions.
It's obvious there are a lot more "experienced" umpires posting here then me that do not really need my input.
I probably wouldn't either. I just thought it would be fun to discuss some rules.
Instead I've pretty much been ridiculed (use spell check for me GarthB) to death.
I think my "FED" background put me on the chop block early and nobody wanted to deal with me after that. Unless they had the opportunity to show me up or take a cheap shot.
That's fair. If I'm out of my league, I'll admit it.
Sorry for wasting your time.
If you want to particpate on the net, IMO you need to develop a thick skin In addition, IMO you need to take responsibility for starting some of this. Here's your quote from early on in this thread.
think that's total crap. If you don't call the game by the rules . . . you're a hipocrite if you ever site a rule.
Unwritten rules? That's bologna regardless of how high the level of competition goes.
Now when you say what you did, IMO you opened up the floodgates
It's one thing to say "Hey guys / gals, I subscribe to the theory that F4/F6 have to TOUCH the base and I do not adhere to the concept of the phantom tag / neighborhhod play" is one thing but when you say
"If anyone calls the neighborhood / phantom tag play, then you are hipocrite" is a little strong so when you get the type of responses you got, in a way IMO you asked for it.
If you want to state your philosophy / opinion is one thing, but when you use words such as calling one a hypocrite if they don't follow your philosophy is another.
Remember it takes 2 to Tango
This subject matter was worth it.
Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth