Had the pleasure of working a championship game with a umpire whom IMHO has seen it all and done it all and I respect greatly... so long story short, I am in C, he has plate... 2 strikes on the batter, pitch comes in and is fouled directly back to the catcher whom doesn't touch it except for the fact she catches it in flight with her knees. PU calls it foul... light chirping from the defensive dugout. He sells it (I close my gaping mouth "I was amazed that she actually caught it like that) and we proceed to finish the game. Now the confusing part...
Walking out we meet up with the UIC, PU says to UIC "I think i kicked that foul ball /foul tip call" he agrees... I chime in "I never saw that before" mouth still gaping.
Ok, so 4 days later i think back on it,( I am at dinner with 2 coaches who both think the batter is out on foul tip strike 3) then I goto work and ask a coach here and he has her out on foul tip strike 3.(I have way too many coaches in my personal life

) 3 coaches thinking opposite of me? I wasn't gonna have it. So... I look in rulebooks/case books for FED, PONY, OBR (I need to buy a ASA book) both baseball and softball. And as far as i can tell he got it right at the plate. Foul tip must go directly and sharply to the catchers mitt. Is this correct or did I miss something just to be right.