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Old Fri Aug 02, 2002, 12:45pm
kylejt kylejt is offline
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This is exactly why some managers have a problem with umpires. I work both sides of the fence. I've only been umpiring for two years, so I know I have a lot to learn still. But if I, as a manager, ask U2 if F4 tagged the bag, and U2 says "I have an out there coach", I can only assume that a) U2 didn't see the play, or b) U2 isn't going to answer me today. Either way I've got a lesser opinion of that umpire from now on. I know, some umpires don't care what managers think of them, but I do. I'm still trying to improve, and part of that is going up through the ranks.

It's frustrating to get that kind of an answer to a yes or no question. I know, as an umpire, and rational person, I couldn't give that answer yet. Maybe that will come with time.

Again, I ask my fellow, more experienced brothers, how close is close enough? 6 inches, 12 inches? I know, at least in the league I work in, if I just say "I got an out there coach" without actually answering if a tag was made on the bag, I'd be considered a dolt. I'm serious guys, I'm going to moving up to Juniors, PONY 13-14, and maybe some HS next year. I need to know what I should be doing on these plays.

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