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Old Fri Aug 02, 2002, 11:41am
greymule greymule is offline
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Don't we all make adjustments to the literal, written rules at every level we do? Do we call the literal strike zone at every level? (Does anyone want us to?) Even within the same game, don't we call certain pitches depending on the situation?

Don't we all agree that a superhuman, perfect, literal umpire would quickly be run out of town? Playing under him would be like serving under a military officer who did everything exactly by the book. The system would collapse.

Perhaps it has something to do with the smoothness of the fielders' execution. If F6 drags his foot on making the relay and maybe doesn't scrape the bag, that's an out. Has anyone ever really had an argument on that play? But if F6 mistimes F4's throw and is obviously across the bag when he catches it, that's not an out.

I think of it less as "neighborhood" and more as "benefit of the doubt." I assume the fielder touched the bag unless it's obvious that he didn't. Same with a runner leaving too soon or missing a bag. It has to be obvious. Not necessarily blatant, but definite.

Others may have a different philosophy. All I can say is that mine has worked, for me, for a long time.
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