This is the text of an email I recently sent to a State Attorney General' office.
USSF and NISOA are soccer sanctions, league and college.
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I heard about this case:
"A few weeks ago a referee in [State] was assaulted by a player in a adult game. This assault was on the internet and eventually made its way to the national news. the assault was the referee was seriously bitten in the face by the adult player.
This referee is [ref name]. He is a member in good standing in USSF, NISOA and NFHS. He also is a member of [two local assoc.]."
I absolutely support your effort to prosecute this offender. No official, [ref name] or anyone else, should have to consider being assaulted during or after a game, let alone a player being close enough to bite him. No official in any sport should have assault as a concern. I used to officiate "adult" soccer in [local league] and dropped it because of players like this.
Sports official or not, assault is assault and if the Felony Assault Law protecting sports official is less severe than another law or requires a second offense, then please follow the more severe penalty. I frequently recommend police involvement in officiating threats and attacks and fully believe it is needed.
Thank you for your effort in this case.
Officiating takes more than OJT.
It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be.