Originally Posted by Lorothian
Rob Drake now has over 35 Ejections in his 10 years as an umpire, when called up to do "The Show". That seems like someone with a mission of "Hey, look at me, I can eject the boys up here and there is nothing anyone can do about it."
Rob Drake must really feel like a BIG MAN working "The Show" after ejecting Lou Pinnela behind his back, taking over the call from his fellow "Minor League" umpire who didn't see a reason to eject Lou.
For what I saw during the game, Drake should never be the next ump called up to fill a slot in the MLB Umpires. He blew more than one obvious call in the CUB/White Sox game on Jun 29, 2008.
Stay where you belong Drake, dealing with the "Minors"!
Welcome back Fitump. Still on your anti Drake tirade, eh?
35 ejections in 10 years? 3.5 per year? Sounds pretty lenient.