Thread: Was I right?
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Old Fri Jun 27, 2008, 02:49pm
rwest rwest is offline
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Not in this case it doesn't

Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
No, the best argument is that it places an umpire out of position. That's it, end of story.

Can you deviate when an umpire gets trapped? Sure, but don't get caught with a play at a based which is uncovered.
In limited situations in 2 man mechanics it is just as helpful as in 3 man. If the BU is not out of position when at home in 3 Man, he wont be in 2 man, in those limited scenarios. I'm not advocating that it be done as often as it is in 3 man. There are situations where obviously it can't be. But the OP is not one of them. There isn't an uncovered base. The batter-runner was retired at first base. R1 went to Third, rounded third and went home. The BU had no base responsibilities.

Modify the above situation a bit. Suppose R1 got caught in a run down between home and third and the PU was stuck at 3rd? What would you have the BU do? I think the most logical thing is for him to go home and cover that end, while the PU takes 3rd. I realize that in most run downs the PU will have home and the BU will have third. However, if you have the BU move to home you will have less movement of the umpires and all of the bases are covered. If you have the PU move home and the BU moved to third, there is a greater chance that a call will be missed because both umpires will not be in the best position to make a call until they get to the respective spots.
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