Babe Ruth Softball glove/mitt for pitcher
In Babe Ruth District tournament.
10U game, pitcher is using a first baseman's mitt.
I tell the coach mitts are not allowed by pitcher in Babe Ruth Softball. He advises the District Commissioner approved this. I again tell him that the rule book states: "each fielder, other than the first baseman or catcher, may wear a leather glove".
We do not begin the game until the District Commissioner is contacted. He says the rule says "the fielder may wear a glove", but does not state she cannot wear a mitt. We allow the girl to pitch with the first baseman's mitt.
Afterwards, I contact the State UIC, who says she cannot wear a mitt while pitching. He contacts Babe Ruth Headquarters to verify this, and they tell him the rule does not specify the difference between a glove and a mitt, and if the mitt is less than 14" (which applies to the length of a glove), then she may use the mitt.
Has anyone else run into problems like this?