I've been working NSA for about 6 years now. It's pretty big here in Pittsburgh. Yes with BOO you can get 2 outs on the same person in the same play. And the CR rule reads as being convoluted (as does quite a bit of the NSA rulebook) but it plays out pretty easily. In your situation, the catcher can come back and run for themselves or you go back to the previous out which would be B5's K. We don't keep track of who can CR. We assume the coaches know what's going on and the opposing book/coaches do bring it to our attention when something isn't kosher. All we have to do is keep track on the lineup card of who CR'ed during the inning so we have some record and that we make sure they don't run twice in the inning.
"If you want something that is fair in life, hit a ball between first and third base."
John Palko
Pittsburgh, PA