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Old Tue Aug 22, 2000, 10:17am
rainmaker rainmaker is offline
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Originally posted by Camron Rust:
Ignoring, for a moment, the foul, the arrow situation could be corrected until the ball is touched inbounds on the throw-in. By rule an alternating throw-in is due.

Actually, this is incorrect. The error is correctable until the ball becomes live. But the ball becomes live when it is handed to the in-bounder, not when it is touched in bounds. So if the protest comes in time before the in-bounder has possession, then correctable. Otherwise, not correctable. If I had been the ref, and the initial holler from the team A coach had come before the in-bounder touched it, even if I handed it off before we realized the roblem, I would count the error as correctable, since I should have been attentive enough to hear the coach before giving the player the ball. (Especially Hawks' Coach who any ref would be wise to heed the first time!)

Of course, for the ref to pay enough attention to avoiid this inthe first place is great. Wish I were good enough to always do this!!

Question: Most of the correctable errors are ref errors, not table errors. Table errors such as putting the score onto the board wrong, or putting it into the book wrong are correctable until the end of the game. Why couldn't this be a table error and thus correctable, if not anytime before the game is over, at least as long as other correctable errors?
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