Originally posted by bluezebra
You're fooling yourself. Where have you been, on Mars? Don't you read the papers and sports magazines? Sports officials are constantly being sued for what happens on the field. A few years ago, an umpire was sued by the catcher in a men's softball game because the ump wouldn't give him his mask on a play at the plate. The ump lost, mainly because a scab MLB ump told the court he must give up the mask if asked. And that's the ump's personal equipment.
Officials in ALL sports are being sued. Do you think we're exempt for some miraculous reason? Get real.
[Edited by bluezebra on Jul 27th, 2002 at 01:09 AM]
Add the threat of lawsuits to your baseball myth list. It should be right up there with hands are part of the bat.
A couple of years ago, one of the boards was having a huge flame war with regards to lawsuits. (I think it was eteamz but I am not sure). Anyway, a lawyer-umpire did some research on sports officials and lawsuits. While there were some officials that were sued, what was surprising about his research was how few suits that officials lost. As I recall, the only major case that was lost by an official was in England of all places. I think that it involved a rugby game.
I don't recall a baseball umpire losing a single case in his list of lawsuits. I don't recall a single case against a baseball umpire even making it to trial in the US. And I am sure that the case that you mention regarding the mask was not on the list. It sounds more like a myth that insurance agents use to scare clients than it does an actual event. Please provide a reference.
Does anyone remember this list and if so could you pull it up and republish it?