Call time out and step away from the coaches and discuss what you saw with your partner. Then have the official that made the ruling declare the final decision.
I was the BU on a Varsity HS game, in the A position. The ball was hit down the first base line. About 1 foot before the bag, the ball hit something and took a sharp right turn into foul territory. The PU's last view of the ball was fair and then he was blocked out by the batter/runner. He declared the ball fair. I immeadiatly put my hands up and announced foul. Called time out, moved away from the coaches and discussed it with my partner. He was concerned about overuling the call, but I convinced him that I was 100% positive that it was foul, and it was better to get the call right. We took some heat but both coaches new it was the correct call.
We were partners for all of our games, so we were comfortable with each others officiating however sometimes this isnt the case and one official will show up the other. You should always support your partner but if your not going to, dont do it on the field. Dissagree after the fact if they do not want to discuss with you. My partner and I had an understanding that it was more important to get the call right, then to try and BS your way out of the situation. This will come back to haunt you and earn you less respect then changing your call and taking some heat.