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Old Tue Jun 17, 2008, 10:29am
BuggBob BuggBob is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 306
My indoctrination is complete, every time I hear the National Anthem, I stop stand at attention and face the flag or the music (if there is no flag present). When I attend local games where the Flag is presented I stand at attention while the flag is presented until it has completely left the field or is properly cased. My actions are based upon the right and proper training from Boy Scouts and the USMC. I am also happy to report that many of my not so well trained friends and family have asked me what I am doing and have started to act in a like manner. At this tournament game management screwed up, but in my opinion so did the on field umpires. BUT ... wait for it ... here is the kicker. This is the USA where a display or lack of display of patriotism is each individuals own personal choice. While I clearly would have stopped the game if I was the PU, I would support and defend some scumbag's choice to not stop the game while the Anthem was played. Lastly members of the military who are properly covered need not remove their cap, but can actually hand salute when the colors are presented.

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