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Old Mon Jun 16, 2008, 12:19pm
Dan_ref Dan_ref is offline
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Originally Posted by Coltdoggs
I agree and you are missing my point....Let's say they were looking at him and 3 years from now the kid rips up his ACL/MCL/PCL, needs microfracture surgury or you think Gillespie is gonna say "Well kid, I've been watching you since 8th grade and you are a great kid and I know it's gonna take you 2 years to rehab, but I'm gonna give you a full ride anyway!"

HELL NO he's not.....

So IF the kid pans out and becomes a stud Gillespie looks like a helluva coach for "spotting" talent and maybe he goes on to BIG$ of pro ball..... If the kid shreds his knee....HE looks like a smart kid that took advantage of the system which is EXACTLY what he should do because the % chances of him getting a college education paid for and making it to guaranteed money to set him and his family up for life in 7 years don't come around often enough!
Man I would love to have you on the *other* side of the table in any business negotiations.
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