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Old Wed Jun 11, 2008, 11:56am
Tim C Tim C is offline
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That is exactly why I have asked the question in the way I did.

For decades I was under an understanding that in OBR umpires were allowed to "place" runners at their discretion in a play that ended as a ground rule double.

I also was under an impression that by "use and tradition" that the award was always two bases from TOP. I watched many, many arguements that involved a runner that was far past second base when the ball went out of play and were only awarded third base.

Now this year I have seen twice and additional base awarded. That is why I ask for OBR (PBUC) documentation that said the award is TOP.

I mean I know things are "chagin'" at the MLB level (heck three years ago I saw Joe Brinkman change a shot down the left field line from foul to fair DURING THE PLAY) and wondered what is up here.

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