Off-season ball is what it is...
Unfortunately, most quality officials don't do off-season ball & that puts assignors in a situation where they have to use whoever is available. Most times the only requirement for working is owning a shirt (football or basketball) & a whistle (volleyball or basketball)
That being said, there is still SO MUCH you can do to
improve YOUR game in these situations! Like others have said, get your signals tightened up, game management skills & effective communication can always be improved. Videotape your games & break them down, to plug some of those holes. Look at your presence, your run & your dead ball officiating. A good time to work on being an R for next season!
I used to look at it as a negative when working with "those guys" but now I embrace the opportunity to lead by example & people who KNOW good officiating when they see it generally let you know what a great job you did... considering.
The officials who say "it's just summer ball" are more than likely to say the same thing for JV games.
Probably the reason why they are still doing those games after 10+ years at the craft... continue to treat them all as State Championships/Final Fours & it will pay off.
Last year I found myself feeling the way you do now, until I was told, don't work off-season or take advantage of it. I do feel ya pain though...