Originally Posted by BadNewsRef
Outside of Massachusetts since when are we responsible for monitoring the post-game handshake.
He wasn't "monitoring" the postgame handshake as MA requires of their postseason officials, he was simply attempting to exit the court when an unsporting act occurred right in front of him. NFHS rule 2-2-4 very clearly states that he still has jurisdiction.
Originally Posted by BadNewsRef
Summer leagues and tournaments I'm a private citizen as soon as the game ends.
BS. You just don't deal with it because you don't want to. That's the easy path which Rut also travels. A sad way to go through life.
It may well be true that in a summer tournament or league there may be no point in assessing a penalty, but that doesn't mean that the right attitude to take once the horns sounds is "Not me" and let someone else deal with it.