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Old Sun Jun 08, 2008, 08:43am
johnnyg08 johnnyg08 is offline
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Originally Posted by TussAgee11
Yes, when the game is over, leave.

However, perhaps the gate was a ways away? I believe that an umpire's jurisdiction ends when he steps outside the field (if they can appeal to us up to that point, that seems like the point of no return). If there was a rucus and I was walking off the field, I would probably give a glimpse over my shoulder to see what was up.

I say make mental notes if you are still on the field of participants and when things simmer down, leave. I wouldn't interject myself into the proceedings. I would be on the horn to the assignor so he could contact the league of who was involved and in what ways.

Yes, the crews back may have been turned. But if there is lots of yelling, I can see them having a quick reaction of turning around to see what was up.
That is basically what happened. It wasn't was one of my umpire colleagues. So there's no provision in the rules...then that is simple. Thanks guys...and by the way, I agree, when the game is over, I'm outta there.
It's like Deja Vu all over again
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