For me they are gone on any f-bomb. You let is slide the first time it only gets worst.
Bunt, good call I know if they blink with the bat in the zone bunting I might call it. I making a little joke.
As for the coach setting you up with the "Watch it, then" I would not even miss a beat with something like, " thanks coach, I did and that is why I did not need help."
As for the time. Most leagues include any kind of grace period as part of the given time. Just make sure you did not start late because of you. I have seen a ump pull that time rule, when he was taking a piss that made it start late.
Never say last inning until you are at or over the time. What happens if the inning gets done before th time you have. Which ever team that is winning is going say you said last inning. The losing team is going to say time is still not up. The easiest thing to do is just let them know how much time they have left. The only person I tell when we started is my part, everyone else gets the count down. Be it 1 hour 23 min left or 3 min left. This lets them know right off the back that the grace period was used as part of their game time.
Last edited by snorman75; Wed Jun 04, 2008 at 11:19pm.