$86 is a pretty good game fee. I understand that the cost of living in NYC is high, so it's not really apples to oranges. I think the officials in your area are probably going to have to agree to take a lower fee before you'll see 3 man. Get the schools to go up $8 and you could pay each official $60 a game. That's still well above the national average for 3 man. We get $50 for one game in NC, but we normally work a girls/boys varsity doubleheader for $70. That's a flat fee that includes travel. All Varsity games in the state pay this rate, no matter whether it's 1A or 4A. I can understand the reluctance to go down on the fee but 3 man can extend an official's carerr 5 - 10 years, over the course of a career.
BTW, if a crew can't call a JV/Varsity doubleheader because they get to tired, they're not in very good shape to begin with.