UT is not authorative, but there are very expierenced and knowlageable baseball umpires there.
No one that I'm aware of has found any official or authorative statesment on this exact play. I've never seen this play on a real diamond. It could happen in tonights game, I know.
On the play at 1st, she is out as soon as the defense touches the base with the ball in their possession. No need for the unmistakable appeal.
I'll take my chances on calling it the way I explained if it happens tonight, with ejections and any protest filed. I haven't had a lot of trouble with ejections yet this year. 158 games, no protests, 2 players ejected for throwing elbows at a defensive player that picked them off base during teh ensueing rundown, and one coach for yelling and waveing his arms toward his fans attempting to incite them folowing being sent back to his coaching box after expressing his displeasure with the results of a sqeeze play. Not too bad of an average.
Roger Greene
[Edited by Roger Greene on Jul 19th, 2002 at 02:22 PM]