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Old Mon May 19, 2008, 09:11pm
snorman75 snorman75 is offline
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sorry, not really

19 years umping, 5 years league commissioner and tournament director for 100+ teams, USSSA. If you can not tell I am a ump from my citations and how I set it up, ??? I still have only had ONE reply using any citations of the rules. I am blown away by that, I never state my opinion on a rule, because it does not matter, it ONLY matters what the rules says. I have seen to many umps not use the rules, but use what they think is right.

Lat me give you an example. Using USSSA slow pitch. A second foul ball on a 2 strike count is a out. Fly ball down the line runner on third. The ball is caught in FOUL territory, runner tags and comes home. Is it OK, well you should know since I am typing it that it is not. The ball is foul before it is caught hence the batter is out on the foul ball, and that is a dead ball situation so the runner can not advance. This situation was in the mechanics book, word for word, and I still had umps I worked with and in my leagues that would not call it. They did not like the rule and did not want to change. Sure enough I had to uphold a protest on this. Pissed me off even more the ump knew I would up hold the protest, knowing he was wrong, and he still stuck to his feelings, and he was wrong. P.S. I have not done USSSA since 2005, so it might have changed.

Originally Posted by Dholloway1962
Probably not an umpire, just a parent or coach who thinks his team got hosed, when they didn't and was hoping someone would prove him right, which they didn't.
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