Thread: US Olympic Team
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Old Mon May 12, 2008, 01:20pm
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Join Date: Sep 2000
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Originally Posted by argodad
They were at the ISF stadium in Plant City FL on May 3. Some of the teams who played in the HS Finals the following week came to town early to see them. A mom told me this story.

During the autograph session, two of the younger players on a 1A team asked Natasha Whatley how she ran so fast. Natasha told them that she ran a lot, did quickness drills, and lifted weights, but that the secret really was "in the genes." An hour later when they got to their car, one of the girls turned to the other and said, "We really have to start working out in jeans."
And she is not a small woman, much bigger in person than I expected. But when that bat touches the ball, she flies. It's like, step 1, step 2, gone..........
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