Originally Posted by Forest Ump
In a league the bats and plays every girl, no subs, should they be allowed to use a courtesy runner for the pitcher or catcher anytime?
They want to use a courtesy runner who was the last out. I would think that Rule 8-10-C would preclude them from doing so.
8-10-C Players who are currently in the game or have participated in the game in any playing capacity are not elegible to serve as a courtesy runner.
I agree with Scott. Strictly speaking, they cannot have a courtesy runner, but it is customary in these kinds of leagues for them to allow last out to be used as a courtesy runner. They should have that in writing, but it is not at all unusual for the author of the league rules to have forgotten this little detail. In a league of this type (meaning I am assuming it is developmental or recreational), I would be inclined to cover this at the plate meeting and state that last out will be allowed as a CR, and if last out is F1 or F2, the next to last out is allowed.
I've also done tournaments where the coach was allowed to decide whether he wanted to use standard sub / lineup rules or bat the roster / unlimited subs. In this case, sometimes giving up CRs was be part of the deal if he chose the latter.