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Old Thu May 01, 2008, 05:37pm
AtlUmpSteve AtlUmpSteve is offline
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Location: Woodstock, GA; Atlanta area
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Consider the circumstances of when a pitched ball contacts the batter, but is not a "hit by pitch". Do you agree it's still a pitch if it has forward momentum, and it's still a pitch if it hits the ground?

Do you agree it's NOT hit by pitch if it has stopped forward motion, and it's NOT hit by pitch after it has passed the batter and touched the catcher? If so, why? I submit that it is decided it is no longer a pitch when either of those have occurred, as there is no specific rule that tells you so.

If it's done being a pitch after it passes the batter, has stopped forward motion, and has touched the catcher, then action by the batter that hasn't started by that point cannot be an attempt to strike the pitch. Note that I say "started"; I accept completely that an attempt could be reasonably delayed, but not more delayed than that. At that point you have one of two things if a batter swings; you either have an innocent practice swing, or an "active" attempt to hinder the catcher. And, you have to decide which. But, you don't have a swing attempting to strike a pitched ball.

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