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Old Tue Apr 29, 2008, 02:43pm
PeteBooth PeteBooth is offline
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Originally Posted by tw1ns
I have been charged with the task of scheduling and overseeing the umpires for our Little League this year. I am taking this summer off from High School officiating to watch my son and daughter play more and thought it would be a good idea to stay involved, since i will be there. Anyway, the kids that umpire range from 11yrs old to College kids, many different levels of little league. We currently have 3 levels of pay scale and I am looking for different levels of baseball tests to administor. Can anyone suggest a site, or have such things, other than myself going through the Little League rules and making up my own questions? Thanks in advance....T
Try this Forum. I believe there are umpires on that site who already have LL test questions prepared and they can probably E-mail them to you

Side Note: You said you want to see your kids play, but being a scheduler / assignor of umpires and also overseeing the umpires in an LL Organization can be very time consuming so I do not know how much time you will have to actually see your kids play.
Peter M. Booth
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