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Old Tue Apr 29, 2008, 09:08am
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Rich Rich is offline
Get away from me, Steve.
Join Date: Aug 2000
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Originally Posted by His High Holiness

This is why umpires should be well seasoned before they move up. Rules knowledge, bionic ball/strike - safe/out calling, and gazelle like pro mechanics do not prepare the umpire for crap like this. Regrettably, crap like this is normal in baseball. The only thing that saved these umpires was that two adults happened to show up for the game - the visiting manager and the home team AD.

It's this kind of seasoning I have referred to in the past as:

"It is the ability to step on someone's throat when necessary, while not getting any blood on your shoes."

I agree with Rich Ives. Forced to make this appeal decision, I wouldn't have and would've told the defensive manager to pound sand and then stepped back to enjoy the aftermath. People are stupid.
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