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Old Mon Apr 28, 2008, 09:14am
PeteBooth PeteBooth is offline
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Originally Posted by MrUmpire
I agree with RichMSN. I Many times, the BU has the majority of the close and key plays. Overall, his training, expenses and responsibilities are no less that the PU.
I agree with Rich and yourself about different pay 100% however I disagree with your statement
the BU's responsibilities are no less that the PU
You make a "name" for yourself in doing the dish Also, in today's 2 person mechanics the PU does have MORE responsibility than the BU.

The PU has to

1. Call the Pitch (which you have to be focused)
2. Fair / Foul if the ball is hit
3. If the ball is hit in the infield possible 45 ft. lane violation
4. Be ready if partner is out of position to aid in the swipe tag pulled foot at first base
5. For the most part all Catch / No catch balls with no-one on base
6. With partner in "B" / "C" Catch / No catch for balls outside the "V"
7. The FIRST Touch of third and tag-up of runner on third

Those are not all but my point was that the PU in a 2 person system has way more responsibilities than the BU.

In summary: I agree with Rich. No differential in pay but on the flip-side as Rich mentioned I am not doing 90 - 100% plates either.

I believe it was TEE who said an umpire makes his "bread / butter" when doing the dish.

Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth
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