Originally posted by NittanyLionUmp
I'm missing something here.
You mean, if B1, while running to first oversteps the bag (makes NO contact)before the ball reaches first you would signal safe before F3 catches the ball.
No, you aren't missing anything. I would indeed call safe if B1 beats the play. He beats the play if his trailing foot crosses first base before F3 catches the ball while touching the base.
The missed base is an appeal play. Giving no signal tips off the defense to the missed base. The proper mechanic in that situation is to call, "Safe," on the play. If an appeal is made, then you call, "Out." They are two separate plays.
Furthermore, we're all taught to make no signal at home. That is the exception. It's because the runner is not without liability after touching home plate, and because his next stop is the dugout.