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Old Tue Jul 09, 2002, 08:16pm
Gulf Coast Blue Gulf Coast Blue is offline
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Location: Gulf Coast of TX to Destin Fl
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Orignally posted by MichaelVA2000

I would have also included insect repellant, sunscreen, and a pain releiving rub.


Living on the Tx Gulf Coast.......there is always 2-3 cans of "Deep Woods Off" or "Cutter" or some other such repellent........

I also always have sunscreen (usually for the kids).........However........I am so dark on my exposed areas having spent years in the sun unprotected.............
I wonder how the sunscreen can help me now..........I will probably die of skin cancer by the time I am 60 or so.............grin

I also bought some "Tiger Balm" before this tournament and it was extremely helpful.........I don't know if "Capsasian" or "Theragesic" would be better because I have never used it...........but the "Tiger Balm" did work wonders..........


We did have critters that I have never come across before at this tournament............on the coast.........we usually only run across skeeters.......(mosquitoes)......

But at this tourney........there were crickets, no-seeums, gnats, June bugs, beetles that I have never seen before, and moths by the millions.

Insect repellent did NOT help with those critters...........grin

[Edited by Gulf Coast Blue on Jul 9th, 2002 at 08:19 PM]
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