I don't do NCAA rules but I believe that the rules for this play are the same at all levels. Obviously there is a muffed punt and not a catch and a fumble. Thus because there is a muff the kicking team is allowed to gain possession of the ball and retain possession at the spot of their recovery or catch. However they are not allowed to advance it. This play shows that the top wing knew what was happening but the BJ seems to not be fully sure about what to do as he seemed to want to give a TD.
The other point to make is about then having a coach on the field after the play. Perhaps there was a time-out taken but then why isn't there a defensive coach on the field as well. White's coach seems to be out there asking the officials about what is going on and perhaps trying to work a TD out of the play. But then again there may have been a time-out and he may have had the right to be out there though I thought all authorized conferences were supposed to be at the sideline using NCAA rules.
Last edited by Warrenkicker; Mon Apr 14, 2008 at 07:33am.