Thanks men for all the responses:
I am irritated at some, but that is how you learn:
1. Excuse the misapplication of the word "bury". I should have edited the post. It was an illegal slide, it was a FPSR violation, but R1 did not "bury" F6 like a runner burying a catcher at home plate.
I thought for a second about MC, but it was not MC. It was a FPSR violation and an illegal slide violation. I have ejected people for MC, this was not MC. He didn't run over F6, he made illegal contact.
2. Men, you don't understand something,
I was not on the field when the deal was made. Did they dress a manager? Was there a JV kid at the game not in uniform because there was no Varsity game that day? How in heaven's name do I know? I only found out about it after the game when I asked my partner who was the UIC if that was a legal player/sub. I won't detail the conversation, but let's suffice it say that I was not overly happy about it. At the time when I am coming back onto the field, and I am told we are ready to play, you're telling me I should have so little trust in my partner I should say: "Well (partner), is this a legal sub? Where did he come from?"
Okay, next time I'll throw my partner under the bus, eject at least one manager, if not two, and win the fight in the parking lot after the game.
3. In this situation, where a coach is dealing with something he has never seen before, and especially with the state I work in that does not allow protests, this was IMO, a rare time when a rule book could be helpful to clearing up a problem. I knew the rule, my partner did to (I assume). In retrospect, I should not have gotten the book out. But I chose to try not to get into an argument with a probable ejection of a manager whose team just lost a player. Obviously that was a mistake, if I was on the field, this would have never happened.
If I was looking for scalps, or to prove I could have gotten them yesterday, I could have proved I was the hardest, toughest umpire in the Eastern US. But the game is for the kids, not my ego. I've dumped enough people to prove my bonafides in this area.
4. I would be interested to hear how you would handle it if the other manager said, 'let me pick a sub from your bench." If I was there, the answer is NO. Period. End of conversation. How do you handle the ensuing argument? If they refuse to hear no, do you eject people until you get your way, forfeit the game, or walk off the field?
5.I could say other stuff, but let's leave it here for now. One last lesson for me, be very careful what you put on the internet. I was and am irritated about this situation, I should not have let this out in public, since now I am not only irritated, I look like a fool in some of your eyes. That stings even more.