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Old Thu Apr 10, 2008, 01:33pm
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Rich Rich is offline
Get away from me, Steve.
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 15,785

I agree with anoter poster if R1 did burry F6 as you say what in the world is he still doing in the game. The score is 9-0 and you are lucky that in addition to one of teams being ugly the ENTIRE game didn't turn ugly.

This game was anything but "Normal" as you say in the beginning of your OP.

This illegal player (which both you and your partner KNOW is illegal) gets injured. His parents now sue.

What are you going to tell the judge?

Your honor the coaches made a "deal" and even though we knew it was a violation of the rules we let it happen anyhow. Make certain you have a "dream team" for attorneys.

I will exaggerate to get my point across.

Both Coaches 'agree" that there players do not need to wear batting helmets when batting. Since the coaches agreed and you and your partner IGNOR look at the ramifications.

Pete Booth
You worry that an illegal substitute (who is only illegal cause he used his eligibility) may get hurt and sue you? How's it feel to live in irrational fear?
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