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Old Tue Apr 08, 2008, 09:36am
jeffpea jeffpea is offline
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Posts: 547
Originally Posted by RichMSN
If I was ever made king and got to assign state tournaments, you would get to go once and once only until everyone I deemed qualified had gone once. Which means, in all reality, you wouldn't get another one for 10-15 years. But more people would be able to share in the experience. The only people that would hate this are the ones who are currently in favor and going 2 out of every 3 years.
That's an interesting thought....maybe instead of assigning the best officials, we simply "take turns"....think we should rotate the teams that actually get to participate in the state tournaments - instead of a true playoff? then more kids and more schools will get the chance to experience the state tournament....(hopefully you sense my sarcasm).

Let's just assign the best officials! If I'm a coach, I want the best officials working the most important games. You can disagree with the evaluation process used to determine the best officials, but I do not think you can oppose the philosophy that the best officials should be working the championship games.
Jeff Pearson
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