Originally Posted by Skahtboi
Then, a while back, I was working with a 20 year vet at a tournament. One coach comes up at the beginning of the game and asks my partner, who is PU, if he needs to know when he makes defensive moves between the DP and the FLEX. My partner's response? "No, I don't care about defensive moves." I stop them there and say 'yes coach, he would like to know when you make any move involving the DP/FLEX." Coach says "I thought so." My partner and I get into a discussion, where he says I don't care what they do defensively, any nine out of the ten can play defense. I correct him on this and inform him that the FLEX and any eight of the others can play defense, or else the FLEX has been subbed for. He wants to argue.
Not really and the way you worded this could be an issue. Any 9 can play defense. However, if the FLEX is not one of them, the FLEX has left the game and the line-up has moved to 9. This is not really a substitution as no other player is leaving or entering the game. The DP has not left the game, so there is no issue with a re-entry.
I believe that part of the problem is the folks that insist on using the term Temporary DP. There is no such thing as a TDP and using the term is detrimental to those trying to learn.