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Old Sat Apr 05, 2008, 02:59pm
cbfoulds cbfoulds is offline
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Originally Posted by kylejt
OBR/LL rules. Two situations.

R3. Swing and miss on strike one, and a pass ball. R3 scores and goes in the dugout. Defensive dugout shouts "catchers interference!". PU confers with BU, and declare CI. BR awarded first base. Defense now wants R3 out for entering the dugout. PU puts R3 back on base. Right?
Unless there is a LL variation I am not familiar with, absolutely NOT Right.
Offense gets the option of the penalty or the play.
I cannot imagine a coach who would not prefer a run and batter still at the plate with the count 0-1, to R1/ R3 without the run.

And the D wanting R3, who scored, called out for "entering the dugout" is a new high for cluelessness in any league.

FWIW, I probably would not call out the batter in your second sitch, either.
"Entering the dugout" is a milestone for a BR who has given up his effort to run bases, it is not a separate and sufficient cause to declare him out. If the kid went to the dugout because he mistakenly believed I had called him out on strikes [because I failed to articulate my BALL decision - another reason to call EVERY pitch audibly], IN A LL GAME, I would probably correct the misperception and allow him to take his base.
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