Originally Posted by canadaump6
Well I hope you don't mind if I ask the non-medical expert a question  . What can I do to avoid getting a sore arm this year? Pitching has brought about feelings of a tear in my bicep. It started 4 years ago, and has been getting progressively worse ever since. Advil does the trick, but I'm wondering if its effects will eventually wear off. I can throw about 40 pitches before tearing up my bicep, but then be fine to come back and pitch the next day. Nonetheless, something isn't right. Any tips or suggestions?
Throwing in the cold is a no-no; keep covered up if you have to
If the prolem is entirely in the muscle, then good news
If at the ends, not good news (attaches to bone)
Advil good, Aleve better - better anti-inflammatory which is what is happeneing ot the muscle (inflames, goes away, inflamed, repeat)
This injury is chronic once it starts
Sharppain, bad news; aching good news
Truth - unless something comes up on an MRI, muscle strains like this are a beeyatch; rest will be the numero uno and mucho anti-inflamms and then a very moderated throwing retunr VERY MODERATED like 10-15 tosses up to 50 over weeks not days.