Thread: Knee Injuries
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Old Sun Mar 30, 2008, 08:58pm
fitump56 fitump56 is offline
In Time Out
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Originally Posted by fitump56
Damn, Garth, you are a mind (forum) reader. That's exactly what IU posted. :

Originally Posted by MrUmpire
Well, now, that's not completely true. But I guess it serves your purposes.
My bad, I forgot, your Garh's Email Boi, you send him our posts so he can read them so he doesn't have to admit his Ignore List isn't on.

HAHAHAHA! Do you realize what a joke that is?

Hmm, prolly not come to think of it.

What is apparently true is his prediction that no one will provide any information that can be verified. Oh, and a search doesn't turn up any books with IU listed as an author or co-author.
No books by IU? Glory be! Any by BM? Or STFU?

I tell you what. You PM me, I'll accomodate. Not going to post them here and have them deleted for the umpteenth time, thx, but no thx.

Btw, I have given this info out to a half dozen here on the forum already. Contact any of them instead.
"Never try to teach a pig to eat reasonably. It wastes your time and the pig will argue that he is fat because of genetics. While drinking a 2.675 six packs a day."
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