Thread: Metal ...
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Old Tue Mar 25, 2008, 08:54am
DaveASA/FED DaveASA/FED is offline
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I agree it should all be collected and analyzed over a number of years and adveraged out then compared to the years of plastic/rubber cleat data we have collected. I am not saying brush it off. I am saying don't jump to conclusions that it was the metals fault. I am an engineer so I look at and analyze data for a living. All I am saying is there are WAY too many variables to isolate metal cleats as the root cause of this injury. It is a possible cause, I am not doubting that, but what people have to understand when anaylzing this data from metal cleats are all the independant and dependant variables that should be considered in the analysis. You have made my point, don't jump to blame the metal, but also don't rule it out completely.

As an umpire I could really care less what shoes you wear (as long as they are legal) but as a father and a volunteer EMT (lazy and don't want more ambulance runs to the ballpark ) I hope that the decision is made to allow the players to wear the safest materials possible to reduce the chance of serious injuries. BUT I also hope that the powers that be do a statistically correct analysis of the data prior to making any change for or against metal.

I do have a question....if this would have happened wearing plastic/rubber would we be talking about it? How many other times has this happened wearing plastic/rubber? I know last year in a local rec league wearing rubber cleats a girl broke her tib/fib sliding into 3rd. So it did happen without metal, again skill level and sh*t happens came into play there, but nobody blamed it on her cleats like they are here.
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