Not to sound the alarm papa c has state the only time to use 10-2-3l is to get the call right, and get the out in obr
you live with the foul call , the thread over their was " first pitch of the game " and the issue was really cooked
up by a lot of people , jon bible was against carl as well
as other's it's a good read , but it all boil's down to
the basic issue of " timming " it an't nothing til you call
it wait a moment find it , call it ,
One of the camp's I went to [ neuc 2002 , hollowell. timmons, ioassoga, ] GAVE A GOOD POINT on calling that
little squiber foul ball that hit's the batter and scoot's out as a DEAD BALL you avoid the hassle of explaining
why a ball that's in fair territory is foul , if the coach
did not see the contact that made it foul , and a FOUL BALL
is alway's a DEAD BALL .
I know I don't post here that often, but go read carl's
thought's on this matter, as well as other's , and remember
it's only in nfhs rules that you can do this .