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Old Mon Jul 01, 2002, 10:19am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by greymule
However, the Fed case book seems to allow "bat hits ball" as long as it's not intentional. (Ignore the case book's erroneous, misleading grammar: batter . . . hits the ball . . . and is either touched . . . and/or comes to rest. . . .):

2.9.1 Situation D: Batter unintentionally hits the ball a second time in (a) fair territory and is either touched by a fielder and/or comes to rest in fair territory; (b) foul territory and is either touched by a fielder and/or comes to rest in either fair or foul territory; or (c) fair territory and is either touched by a fielder and/or comes to rest in foul territory. Ruling: In (a) and (c), the ball is fair. In (b), the ball is foul.

Also note apparent agreement with PBUC:

2.16.1 Situation B: B1's bunt rolls up the first-base line where it hits B1's bat that was lying on the ground in fair territory. The ball deflects into foul territory. Is the ball fair or foul? Ruling: The ball is foul, provided the bat was not placed there intentionally. The bat is considered to be part of the playing field.

If I am reading the case book correctly, 2.9.1 Situation D part (c) says, "Bat hits fair ball, ball goes foul = FAIR ball," while 2.16.1 Situation B says, "Fair ball hits bat, ball goes foul = FOUL ball."

So in Fed, if moving bat contacts moving fair ball, the umpire has to determine whether bat or ball did the hitting, as fair/foul status hangs in the balance if the ball rolls into foul territory.
Actually, I think the FED distiction is on whether the batter is still holding the bat. I think that's what is meant by "Batter unintentionally hits the ball" in 2.9.1D

See also 8.4.1A for a similar play.

So, if the batter holds the bat and unintentionally hits the ball:
(a) in the batter's box -- foul ball
(b) outside the batter's box in fair territory -- fair ball (see 2-5-1f)
(c) outside the batter's box in foul territory -- foul ball
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